Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lisa's First Post

Well it is like 6 and it is my first blog haha. I just wanted to let everyone know that everything is going great. There isnt 300 kids like there was in st. vincent but the children here are just as close to my heart. I know a lot of people thought that i came on this trip for a lot of different reasons and yes i do love hanging out with my family and friends but this is actually for the children i love seeing there faces light up when we sing a certain song and like to see them learning about Jesus, and just having a great time. It is so fun here i am going to miss these kids so much. Thank you for your prayers and just keep praying for us. Love and miss you guys, see you in a little.
- Lisa


Unknown said...


Great to hear from you! Sounds like everything is really going well. Glad you're having a good time. Keep serving the Lord and loving the kids. You did a wonderful job in St. Vincent, and I'm sure your doing a wonderful job in Michigan.

Tell everyone I said Hi!

- Ken

jeff & michelle said...

What an opportunity to go on 2 missions trips in the same month. You must be exhausted! When you get back, I know you'll be totally tired, and then WHAM! Camp starts on Monday. God is working in your life, Lisa Marie. You will need to draw close to Him to have the strength you'll need to serve Him this summer. But, His grace is enough for us.

Talk to you when you get back.