Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nicole's Hungry!

We're all hanging out at Munising Baptist right now for lunch. We're having hot dogs, and I am hungry! Debbie and Susan are great cooks, and I'm very thankful for not only their cooking, but also their leadership! I've have some good conversations with each of the adults this week, and I hope that I could be of some help to them as well.

Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. I'm doing much, much better--God is good, all the time! The night I was feeling discouraged, Jeff shared the passage from Mark 4, where Christ calms the sea. What manner of man is this, that even the sea and the wind obey him? God is proving Himself faithful, just as He has time and time again. I've been spending some time in Psalms in my devotions; today I was in Hebrews 11.

Yesterday's Bible club went well; I hit a few bumps with two boys in my class, but God's grace sustained me and kept me calm!

Each of the team members are doing a great job. Jarrod helped Pastor Jolls with music yesterday during the opening session and he sat with my class during the lesson time. Each of the boys took part in a skit (yes, even Josh!). Brooke and Danielle are really stepping up as leaders. Sometimes I'm left standing there, twiddling my thumbs because there is no work to be done!

Today is our last day of Bible club. Even though we have done well so far, we still need the prayers. Thank you to you all back home who are praying. God's hand is on our team.

Please pray for the youth group at Limestone Baptist Church. The teens are in need of spiritual encouragement and growth. We had a great time hanging out with them last night, even though they were kind of freaked out by the moose song...

Love you all! Thank you again.


Mike said...

Hey Everone!! I just mamged to get your blog address last night. We have been praying for you! Sounds like everything is going well there! Sorry we won't be at the house to see you guys tomorrow night but make yourselves at home. I know you will LOVE Vivio's. MMMMM
Love, Mr. & Mrs. Azure


Nicole- I missed your phone call
today. I stepped out of the
office right before you called.

Hope everything goes well the
next couple of days.

I miss you.
Love DAD

The Blackwells said...

Nicole ..all is well.glad to hear from you today.....sitting back and letting others do the work is not a bad helps them grow in the Lord and that you have had a helping hand in that...just like I sit back and let you and Sam do your have to let the rope out a little each day as you watch others grow in the all are doing a great you and miss

jeff & michelle said...

Nicoleon, we're very proud of you. Thanks for the leadership you brought to this trip.