Monday, June 25, 2007

Danielle Uno

This is how this trip has gone so far..
Well, after a wait at the church for a few short minutes (waiting for the Cumberlands, how ironic heehee) we all piled into the church van and Suburban for our long ride to the Azure's house in Alanson, MI. On the way there, we had many pee stops, played MASH (Matt Cumberland and I are getting hitched), and most of us in the van had some wonderful reading time! (Taste the rainbow). We got to the Azure's house pretty late, you know, after the "half hour" delay at Cabelo's that set us back a bit. After we dropped our stuff in the house, we lazily shuffled out to the fire while we made smores, mountain pies, and sang a few songs. Then there was a "wraslin" match between some of the boys... sorry mom, there are a few grass stains! After settling in later that night, we all pretty much fell asleep pretty fast.
The next morning, we all said goodbye and thanks to the Azures and made our way to our cabins in the UP. We had some more pee stops and then we FINALLY found civilization and a place to eat (Hardees). After we ate and a few more hours driving, we made it to the cabins. Later that night, we had the most amazing night at Lake Superior. Swimming in warm river water, and then the lake water was ICE COLD. Then we played volleyball for a few hours. It really was a blast!!!!!!!!!!! We played like 4 games. The sun was setting and it was gorgeous. Hope we can go back.
Today me and a bunch of the girls painted a HORRIBLY color-coordinated youth room. It's better now, and we're all covered in paint.

I miss you mom and dad, but most importantly, I MISS YOU FOOFIE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you all when I get back!!!!

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