Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Jeff and Susan

Hi everyone! Whew! What a day we had today!! Thank you so much for your prayers! When we arrived at the Community Center we met Pastor and Mrs. Jolls. They are very faithful servants here in this area. It is amazing how God always has just the right person for the very unique areas that need to be reached. The Joll's are well respected and known in this community. When we began learning their plans, we discovered that they were very different from our plans. The kids jumped right in and were so cooperative. They could not have been any better! We had 14 children by the end of our afternoon. One of our challenges is that there are 14 children and 17 teens. We sometimes have to make jobs to keep everyone busy, but again, the teens rise to the challenge and have not complained. It was a wonderful day - God has been in control every minute. As I watched the kids work today, I remembered that you all were at home praying. Maybe even at that very minute. It was a comforting and reassuring thought that our family was lifting us up even as we worked!

Thank you for your comments! Our time on the computer is very limited, so the kids don't have alot of time online, but continue to send your encouragement. We appreciate you all so much!

Love to you all!
Jeff, Susan, Jr, and Debbie


jeff & michelle said...

Hey, you guys! We were so glad to hear from you today. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun. I know it's work, but it's the best kind. We are still trying to get our feet back under us from our trip, so we feel your pain!

Give our love to all the kids!

Love, Jeff & Michelle

Deb Young said...

Hi from the Youngs and Kaylors in PA! Please relay this message to JR and Debbie and Lisa and Jenna and Jill! Greetings and how wonderful it is for all of you to be spreading the love of Jesus to your new friends in Michigan! I hear it is very hot up there 'cuz it is very hot down here! Getting rain today (Wed) - muchly needed! Please have a wonderful rest of the week spreading the word of God thru your works and words and have a safe and wonderful trip back to PA. By the way, JR, I saw the picture taken outside of Cabela's - now I wonder how you knew one would be on the way - could it be the smell??? HA HA Have fun and God bless each and every one of you on this trip and we will talk to you when you get back to PA!
Lots of love, Deb and family (including PA PA and Grandma Kaylor)

Ron & Judy Hemphill said...

Hey Kids,

It's Wednesday night and we haven't heard from you today. Hope today went well.
We had a special prayer service for you all at church tonight. PJ lead it and some of the teens helped by reading scripture and helping with singing.
Daddy & I worked at camp today.
First day of staff training. All went well.
We will keep praying for the team and for widsom and guidance for you 4 leaders.
Our verse tonight was "Be still and know that I am God" ~ what a great verse!!


Dad & Mom